Book Ends

As stressful as our lives can be, I am trying something new to me, book ends!

Have you heard of it before?  I haven’t until recently.  This is how it works

Life is full of “stuff” from the minute we rise to the minute we go to bed.  Instead of waking up groggy and grumpy when the alarm goes off and you hit the 8 minute snooze button don’t fall back to sleep.  Instead think of the things you are grateful for, ie your spouse, kids, home, business, job (some of us do love our jobs) your health and then the first person that pops into your head, whether friend of foe, bless them, simply wish that they have a safe, happy day.  Then get out of bed, hit the shower, turn on the kettle, do some stretches or yoga for 20 or 30 minutes, make your coffee or tea and read a personal development book for 25 or 30 minutes.  My recommendation is something like Think and Grow Rich, Laws of Success, Secrets of a Millionaire Mind etc. What ever your favorite author is.

At the end of the day, after all the hustle and bustle wind down to reading 10 pages or 30 minutes which ever you prefer of a spiritual book, such as Celestine’s Prophecy or what ever you like to read, but make it spiritual, that is the key.

You now have book ends.  I am betting your thinking where am I going to find the time to do all the morning stuff.  If you really want to start your day in a calm way you will rise 1 hour earlier.  It will make the difference between a happy you or a grumpy you.  Who is going to try it with me.  I did it today, and felt so energized just because I wasn’t running ragged!

Hope you join me

Live, Laugh, Love


About kellypriebe

Greetings! I am a small business owner in the community of Owen Sound in Ontario. I recently opened a tanning salon in Owen Sound and have been hearing a lot of "chatter" about indoor tanning and I want to let as many people that I can reach learn about the benefits of indoor tanning vs outdoor tanning. Education on tanning benefits as essential for the decision maker! Live, Laugh, Love Kelly
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